музей и библиотека



Надпечатки и надписи на марках (второй вариант)


U. : German - Ungarn (= Hungary).
U. : Italian - Udine.
UAE : (overprint on stamps of Abu Dhabi) United Arab Emirates (1972).
UAPCTBO : Bulgaria (1937/1944).
U.A.R. : United Arab Republic.
U.A.R. : (denominations in m and f) Egypt (1958/1971).
U.A.R. : (denominations in p) Syria (1958/1961).
UCAK POSTALARI : Turkey - Airmails.
U.D.P. : Italian - Ufficio Della Posta.
U.E. : Italian - (in triangle with rounded corners) Ufficio Esten (1790/1810).
U.F. : Italian - Ufficio Francese (= French Post Office) (1810).
U.G. : Uganda - Typewritten stamps (1895).
UGANDA : (overprint on stamps of British East Africa) Uganda (1902).
UGANDA with EAST AFRICA : Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania.
UGANDA with KENYA : Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania.
UGANDA KENYA TANGANYIKA : Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania.
U.H. : (overprint on stamps of Ecuador) Postal tax late fee.
UHURU 1963 : Zanzibar.
UHURU 9th DEC. 1961 : Tanganyika.
UKRAINE : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Russia - German occupation (1941/1943).
UKRAINSKA NARODNA REPUBLICA : Ukraine (Ukrainian People's Republic).
U.K.T.T. : (overprint on stamps of Nigeria) Cameroons - Southern Cameroons (1960/1961).
UKU LETA : Hawaii (= Paid Letter).
ULTRAMAR : (with a year date) Cuba (1873/1876), Puerto Rico (1867/1876) (= Beyond the Sea).
ULTRAMAR : (with a year date, denominations in Avos) Macao (1911) (= Beyond the Sea).
ULTRAMAR : (with a year date, denominations in Reis) Portuguese Guinea - War tax stamps (1919) (= Beyond the Sea).
UNEF : (overprint on stamps of India) India - Military stamps (1965).
UNESCO : (France - UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Org. - Officials (1961/1971).
UN FORCE (INDIA) CONGO : (overprint on stamps of Congo) India - Military stamps (1962).
UN FORCE W. IRIAN : (overprint on stamps of Pakistan) Military stamps (1963).
UNIAO DOS ATIRADORES CIVIS PORTO FRANCO : Portugal - Rifle club franchise stamps (= Union of Civilian Riflemen Free Stamp).
UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS : Switzerland - Int. Telecommunications Union - Officials.
UNION PANAMERICANO 1890-1926 CORREO AEREO : (overprint on stamps of Guatemala) Air mails.
UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE with HELVETIA : Switzerland - UPU Int. Bureau - Officials (1957/1960).
UNITED NATIONS : United Nations Organization - New-York.
UNITED STATES CITY DISPATCH POST : U.S. Courier stamps - New York City.
UNTEA : (overprint on stamps of Netherlands New Guinea) West Irian (1962) (= United Nations Temporary Executive Authority).
UOPTO CKPNCOPN : Romania - Moldavia (1858).
U.P.A.E. ADHESION VICTIMAS SAN JUAN Y PUEBLO ARGENTINO : Paraguay - Semipostals (For Earthquake Victims of San Juan and the Argentine People).
UPHA ГOPA : Montenegro - Italian occupation (1941/1943).
U.P.U. : International - Universal Postal Union (1875).
URGENCIA : Spain - Special delivery.
URGENTE : Spain and Ifni - Special delivery.
U.R.I. : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia - Unofficial semipostals (1923).
URUNDI : (overprint on stamps of Congo) German East Africa - Belgian occupation (1916).
U.S. : United States of America.
U.S.A. : United States of America.
U.S.I.R. : (overprint on stamps of United States) Internal Revenue.
USKUB : (overprint on stamps of Turkey) Turkey (1911).
U.S. Pkt : British - (in red or black) on letters carried by U.S. Packets passing through London to the Continent (1850).
U.S.P.S. : United States Postage Stamps or Postal Service.
U.S.T.C. : (overprint on stamps of India - Cochin) United States of Travancore - Cochin (1949).


V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Belgian - Vilvorde.
V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Sunday frank of Vere St. (London) (1836).
V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Surmounted by fleur-de-lys : Valenciennes (1715).
V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Spanish - With small A inside : Valence(1798).
V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Venetian - Fancy capital surrounded by Lettere da Mare : Venezia (Venice) (1794).
V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Venetian - In double circle : Vicenza.
V. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) (Volunteers).
Va RICA : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Paraguayan - Villa Rica.
V.A. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) (Valuator).
VALE : (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua) Value.
VALE UN CENTAVO R. de C. : (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua) Postal tax stamps.
VALEUR D'ECHANGE : (oveprint on stamps of Ivory Coast and French Guinea) Literally value of exchange (monetary use)(1925).
VALEUR DECLAREE : French language countries - Insured parcel label (Value Declared).
VALEUR DECLAREE : Canada - Insured parcel label (Value Declared).
VALEVOLO PER LE STAMP : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Newspaper parcel post stamps - Tolerated on letters (Available for Printed Matter).
VALLE BORMIDA : Italy - Locals.
VALLES D'ANDORRE : Andorra (1932/1943).
VALMY : (overprint on stamps of Cameroons) Semipostals.
VALONA : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Turkey - Valona (1909/1916).
VALOR DECLARADO : Spanish language countries - Insured parcel post labels.
VALORE GLOBALE : (overprint on stamps of Fiume) Making valid for regular use.
VALPARAISO MULTADA : Chile - Postage dues.
VAN DIEMEN SLAND : Tasmania (1853/1869).
VANCOUVER ISLAND : British Columbia and Vancouver Island (1865).
VATHY : (overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in Turkey - Vathy (1894/1900).
VATICANA : Vatican City.
VATICANE : Vatican City.
VB v. RH : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Verwaltungs - Büro vom Rheintal.
V.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Control mark of Erfurt (1817).
V.D.L. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Australian - Van Dieman's Land (old name of Tasmania).
V.D.M.P. TOULON : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Voie De Mer Par Toulon (Sea route via Toulon)(1797).
V.D.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Post Office.
VENEZA : Venezuela (1865/1876).
VENEZIA GUILIA : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Austria - Italian occupation (1918).
VENEZIA TRIDENTINA : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Austria - Italian occupation (1918).
VENEZOLANA : Venezuela (1863/1865).
VEREINTE NATIONEN : United Nations Organization - Vienna.
V.E.U. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Voie des Etats-Unis (Via U.S.A.) (1869).
V.G. : Venezia Giulia.
V.I. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Vancouver Island.
VIA AEREA : Italian language countries (By Air).
VICTORIA and V : Cuba - Postal tax stamps.
VICTORIA DE TORREON ABRIL 2 1914 : (overprint on stamps of Mexico) (1914) Victory of Torreon.
VIET-NAM BUU CHINH : Vietnam (1951/1956).
VIET-NAM CONG-HOA : South Vietnam (1956/1975).
VIRUMAA : Estonia - Virumaa region - Bogus issues.
VIVA ESPANA : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Spain (1936/1937).
VIVA ESPANA : (overprint on revenue stamps of Canary Islands) Canary Islands (1936/1937).
V.L.A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Vapore Lloyd Austriaco (1859/1867).
V.N. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868-74) (Vaccination).
V.O.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Monogram type : Verenigde Oostend Compagnie (1789/1805).
VOJENSKA POSTA : Czechoslovakia - Army Post in Siberia.
VOJENSKO NA RUSI : Czechoslovakia - Army Post in Siberia.
VOJNA UPRAYA JUGOSLAVENSKE ARMIJE : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia - Istria and Slovene Coast (1947).
VOLKSDIENST : Netherlands - Semipostals.
VOLKSSTAAT BAYERN : German States - Bavaria - Officials (People's State of Bavaria).
VOLKSSTAAT WURTTEMBERG : German States - Wurttemberg - Officials (People's State of Wurttemberg).
VOM EMPFANGER EINZUZIEHEN : Bavaria Postage dues (From Receiver to be Collected).
VOM EMPFANGER ZAHLBAR : Bavaria - Postage dues (From Receiver to be Paid).
VOOR HET KIND : Netherlands - Semipostals (For the Children).
VOOR HET NATIONAL STEUNFONDS : Surinam - semipostals.
V.P.M. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Voie Paquebots de la Méditerranée (1851).
V.P.M. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Via Particolare Marittima (probably struck at Leghorn) (1851/1856).
V.R. : (overprint on stamps of Fiji) Fiji (1874/1877).
V.R. SPECIAL POST : (overprint on stamps of Transvaal) Cape of Good Hope - Vryburg - British occupation (1900).
V.R. TRANSVAAL : (overprint on stamps of South Africa) Transvaal.
V.R. with TRANSVAAL : (overprint on stamps of Transvaal) Transvaal (1877/1879).
V.R.I. : (overprint on stamps of Orange Free State) Orange River Colony - British occupation (Victoria Regina Imperatriz).
VthS : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Votre très humble Serviteur (of forwarding agents) - Geneva ?
VUJA S.T.T. : Yugoslavia - Zone B - Trieste.
VUJNA S.T.T. : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia - Zone B - Trieste.
VV : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - (Interlaced) Probably Vu et Vérifie (on franked letters)(1806).


W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - London General Post (1794/1803).
W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Waddingsveen (1811/1850).
W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Grande Poste (1806).
W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Polish - (in 17 mm. c. surmounted by crown) Warsaw (1778/1787).
W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Polish - (in 19 mm. c. surmounted by crown) Warsaw (1783/1787)
W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Polish - (surmounted by crown) Warsaw (1787/1793).
W. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Waterworks.
W.A.B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Austrian - (in red) Wien Abzugs Brief (=indicating additional fee to be paid on delivery) (1840/1843).
WADHWAN STATE : India - Wadhwan (1888/1889).
WALLIS ET FUTUNA : (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia) Wallis & Futuna Islands (1920/1940).
WAR : (overprint on stamps of British Honduras) War tax stamps.
WAR CHARITY 3.6.18 : (overprint on stamps of Bahamas) Semipostals.
WAR DEPT. : U.S.A. - Officials.
WAR STAMPS : (overprint on stamps of various British colonies) War tax stamps.
WAR TAX : (overprint on stamps of various British colonies) War tax stamps.
WARSZAWA : Poland (1918).
W AUSTRALIA : Western Australia.
Weihnachten : (overprint on stamps of Rhodes) - Christmas (5c definitive) (1944).
WEIHNACHTEN : (overprint on stamps of Rhodes) Italy - Aegean Islands - unofficial German overprint (1944).
WENDEN : Russia - Livonia - Wenden (1862/1884).
WENDEN KRIESES : Russia - Livonia - District of Wenden.
WENDENSCHEN : Russia - Livonia - Wenden (1862/1884).
WERTAUGABE : German language countries - Insured parcel label.
WEST IRIAN : West New Guinea.
WESTERN SAMOA : Samoa (1935/1955).
W.FR. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - (followed by numeral) Weiter Franco - Meaning paid to part destination - Figure indicates balance due on delivery. On letters from Russia, Poland, Germany) (1852/1875).
W.H.W. : (overprint on stamps of Danzig) Semipostals.
W.I. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Surmounted by UYT - West Indien (Helle-voetsluis) (1792).
WINTERHILF : (overprint on stamps of Austria) Semipostals.
WINTERHULP : Netherlands - Semipostals.
WIR SIND FREI : (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia) Czechoslovakia - German occupation (unofficial) (1938).
WITWEN UND WAISEN-WOCHE : (overprint on stamps of Bosnia) Semipostals - Widows and Orphans.
W.K. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Prussian - Wermels Kirchen and also Wetzler Kammergericht.T.T.
W.O. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Westminster P.O. (London) (1794/1796).
WOLMAR-RONNEBERG : Latvia - Wolmar district - Bogus issue (1918).
W.R. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Willesden Ride (London)(1830).
WURTTEMBERG : (with denominations in PF or M) Germany - Wurttemberg - French occupation (1947/1949).
WURTTEMBERG : (with denominations in KREUZER or FREIMARKE) German States - Wurttemberg.


XAPTOEHMON : Greece - Tax stamps (1917).
XAPTOÓHMON : (overprint on stamps of Greece) Postal tax stamps.
XEAEPA : Montenegro (1902/1905).
XEIMAPPA : Epirus (questionable issue).
XEJEPA : Montenegro (1902/1905).
XXXX. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Town stamp of MILAN (1788).


Y : (overprint on stamps of Spanish Havana) - Ynterior (misspelling of Interior) use in Cuba and Puerto Rico (1857).
YAR : Yemen Arab Republic (1963/present).
YCA : (overprint on stamps of Peru - Yca - Chilean) Peru - Yca - Chilean occupation (1884).
YCA VAPOR : (overprint on stamps of Peru - Yca - Chilean) Peru - Yca - Chilean occupation (1884).
Y.C.C.P. : Ukraine.
Y.C.P.P. : Ukraine - Semipostals (1923).
YCTAB : Montenegro (1905).
YEMEN PDR : Yemen People's Democratic Republic.
Y.M.O.S. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Your Most Obedient Servants (in forwarding agents cachet) (1832).
YKPAIHCbKA P.O.П.Й.T. : Ukraine.
YKP. H.P. : (overprint on stamps of Austria) Western Ukraine.
YKP. H. PEП : (overprint on stamps of Austria) Western Ukraine.
YKSI MARKKA : Finland (1866/1874).
YUNNAN FOU : (overprint on stamps of Indo-China) France - Offices in China - Yunnan Fou (1906/1919).
YUNNAN SEN : (overprint on stamps of Indo-China) France - Offices in China - Yunnan Fou (1903/1905).


Z : (overprint in monogram on stamps of Russia) Armenia.
Z : (pre-adhesive handstamp) ZEELAND - Dutch.
Z : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Zug.
Z. AFR. REPUBLIEK : Transvaal.
Z.A.R. : (overprint) Cape of Good Hope - British occuaption of Vryburg (1899) Zuid Africaansche Republiek (South African Republic).
Z.M. : (overprint on stamps of Mexico - Zacatecas) Mexico - Zacatecas provisionals.
Za : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Spanish - Saragossa.
ZA GRUENI KRST : Yugoslavia - Postal tax stamps.
ZA RDECI KRST : Yugoslavia - Postal tax stamps.
ZAIRE : Congo (1971/present).
ZANZIBAR : (overprint on stamps of British East Africa) Zanzibar (1895 june).
ZANZIBAR : (overprint on stamps of France) Offices in Zanzibar (1894/1900).
ZANZIBAR : (overprint on stamps of India) Zanzibar (1895/1896).
ZANZIBAR with TANZANIA : Zanzibar (1965/1968).
ZEGELREGT : Transvaal (1895).
ZEITUNGS MARKE : Austria - Newspaper stamps.
ZEITUNGS MARKE DEUTESCHES REICH : Germany - Newspaper stamps.
ZEITUNGS STAEMPLE : Austria - Newspaper stamps.
ZEITUNGS STAMPLE : Austria - Newspaper stamps.
ZEITUNGS STEMPLE : Austria - Newspaper stamps.
ZELAYA : Nicaragua - Zelaya (1904/1911).
ZELAYA : (overprint) Nicaragua - Zelaya (1904/1911).
ZENTRALER KURIERDIENST : Germany - German Democratic Republic - Officials (1956/1957).
ZEPPELIN 1930 : (overprint on stamps of Iceland and Finland) airmails.
ZEPPELIN POST : Liechtenstein - Airmails.
ZOMERZEGEL : Netherlands - Semipostals.
ZONA DE OCCUPATIE P.T.T. 1919 ROMANA : (overprint on stamps of Hungary-Romanian) Hungary - Romanian occupation (1919).
ZONA DE PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Spanish Morocco (1916/1925).
ZONE FRANCAISE BRIEFPOST : Germany - French occupation (1945/1946).
ZRACNA POSTA : Yugoslavia - Zone B - Trieste.
ZUIDWEST AFRICA : South West Africa.
ZUIDWEST AFRICA : (overprint on stamps of South Africa) South West Africa (1923/1925).
ZULASSUNGSMARKE DEUTCHER FELDPOST : Germany - Fieldpost permit stamps for military parcels (1942).
ZULULAND : (overprint on stamps of Great Britain) Zululand (1888/1894).
ZULULAND : (overprint on stamps of Natal) Zululand (1888/1894).
ZURICH : Switzerland - Zurich (1843/1846).
ZURINO : (overprint on stamps of Hungary) Newspaper stamps used by Croatians for special delivery letters (Quick).
ZZEE : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - ZIERIKZEE.