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Надпечатки и надписи на марках (второй вариант)


c : (preceded by numeral of value with Japanese characters) Ryukyu Islands.
C : (overprint on stamps of Paraguay) (Compana).
C. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Customs).
C.A. : Crown Agent.
CABO : (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua) Cabo Gracias a Dios - Used to prevent currency manipulation (1904/1909).
CABO JUBI : (overprint on stamps of Rio de Oro) Cape Juby (1916).
CABO JUBY : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Cape Juby under Spanish Adminstration (1919/1933).
CABO JUBY : (overprint on stamps of Spanish Morocco) Cape Juby under Spanish Adminstration (1934/1948).
CABO VERDE : Cape Verde.
CACHES : (overprint on stamps of France and French Colonies postage dues) French India - Postage dues.
CADIZ : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Cadiz (revolutionary period - 1936).
CADIZ VIVA ESPANOL : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Revolutionary Cadiz issues.
CAISSE D'AMORTISSEMENT : France - Semipostals.
CALCHI : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Calchi (1930).
CALIMNO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Calimno.
CAMBODGE : Cambodia.
CAMEROONS U.K.T.T. : (overprint on stamps of Nigeria) Cameroons (1960 january) (United Kingdom Trust Territory).
CAMEROUN : (overprint on stamps of French Congo) Cameroon (1915/1925).
CAMEROUN : (overprint on stamps of Gabon) Cameroon (1915/1925).
CAMEROUN : (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo) Cameroon (1915/1925).
CAMPACHE : Mexico - Campache (1876).
CAMPANA CONTRA EL PALADISMO : Mexico - Anti-malaria campaign.
CAMPIONARIA OE TRIPOLI : Tripolitania - Libya.
CAMPIONE D'ITALIA : Italy - Campione d'Italia (1944).
CANAL ZONE : (overprint on stamps of Panama) Canal Zone.
CANAL ZONE : (overprint on stamps of U.S.A.) Canal Zone.
CANARIAS : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Canary Islands (1936/1937).
CANARO : (overprint on stamp of Fiume) Italian occupation of Arbe and Veglia.
CANCELLED V-R-I : (overprint on stamps of Transvaal) Second British occupation - Wolmaranstad (1900).
CANTON : (overprint on stamps of Indo-China) France - Offices in China - Canton (1901/1923).
CANTONAL TAXE : Switzerland - Zurich.
CAPO VERDE : Cape Verde.
CARCHI : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Calchi (1932).
CARITAS : (overprint) Luxembourg - Semipostals (Charity).
CARNARO : (overprint on stamps of Fiume) (1920).
CARTILLA POSTAL DE ESPANA : Spain - Franchise stamps.
CARUPANO : Venezuela - Carupano (1902).
CASA DE CORREOS : (overprint on stamps of Ecuador) Postal tax for new post office building fund.
CASO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Caso (1913).
CASTELORISO : (overprint on stamps of France) Castellorizo (1920).
CASTELORISO : (overprint on stamps of France) Offices in Turkey - Castellorizo (1920).
CASTELROSSO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Castellorizo (1922/1932).
CAUCA : Colombia - Cauca (1879/1883, 1903).
CAVALLE : France - Offices in Turkey - Cavalle (1893/1903).
CAVE : (overprint on stamps of Ceylon) Private merchant's mark to discourage pilfering.
C. BEN. R. : (overprint on stamps of Ecuador) Guayas - Validation mark of governor's initials (Carlos Benjamin Rosales).
C.C. : Crown Colonies.
C.C.C.P. : Russia (USSR).
C.CH. : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Cochin China.
C.D. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Convict Department).
C DPTO ZELAYA : (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua) Cabo Gracias a Dios district to prevent currency manipulation.
CECHY A MORAVA : Czechoslovakia - Bohemia and Moravia.
C.E.F. : (overprint on stamps of Cameroons) Cameroons Expeditionary Force (1915).
C.E.F. : (overprint on stamps of India - China) Expeditionary Force (1900/1921).
CEFOLONIA E ITACA : (overprint on stamps of Greece) Ionian Islands - Italian occupation (1941).
CENT(S) : (currency overprint) Russia - Offices in China (1901/1922).
CENTENAIRE DU GABON : French Equatorial Africa (1938).
CENTENARIO DE S. ANTONIO INHAMBANR MDCCCXCV : (overprint on stamps of Mozambique) Inhambane (1895) (Centenary of St. Anthony).
CENTESIMI : (currency overprint on stamps of Austria) Italy - Austrian occupation (1918).
CENTESIMI : (currency overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Italy - Austrian occupation - Postage dues and special deliveries (1918).
CENTESIMI DI CORONA : (currency overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Austrian occupation (1919).
CENTESIMI DI CORONA : (currency overprint on stamps of Italy) Dalmatia (1921/1922).
CENTIMES : (currency overprint on stamps of Austria) Austria - Offices in Crete (1903/1907).
CENTIMES : (currency overprint on stamps of Germany) Germany - Offices in Turkey (1908).
CENTIMOS : (currency- overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in Morocco (1891/1910).
CERIGO : (overprint on stamps of Greece) Ionian Islands - Fraudulent issue.
CERRADO Y SELLADO : Mexico - Official seals.
CERTIFICADO : Spanish language countries (Registered).
CERVANTES : Spain - Officials (1916).
CESKO-SLOVENSKO : Czechoslovakia - Slovakia (1939).
CESKOSLOVEN VOJSKO NA RUSI : Czechoslovakia - Sibarian Army Post.
CESKOSLOVENSKA : Czechoslovakia.
CESKOSLOVENSKE ARMADY SIBERSKE : Czechoslovakia - Sibarian Army Post.
CESKOSLOVENSKO : Czechoslovakia.
CFA : (overprint on stamps of France) Reunion (Communaute Francaise d'Afrique).
C.G.H.S. : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Upper Silesia - Officials (1920/1922).
CH TAXE O.M.F. SYRIE : (overprint on stamps of Syria) Postage dues.
CHALA : Peru - Chala - Chilean occupation (1884).
CHAMBA STATE : India - Chamba.
CHARKHARI : India - Charkhari (1894/1945).
CHARLEROI 1911 : (overprint on stamps of Belgium) Semipostal.
CHECHENIA : Republic of Ichkeria also called Chechenia - Illegal issues - Autonomous republic in the Caucasus region.
CHEMINS DE FER : Belgium - Parcel posts.
CHEMINS DE FER SPOORWEGEN : Belgium - Parcel posts.
CHIFFRE TAX : (no country name on perforated stamps) France - Postage dues.
CHIHUAHUA : Mexico - Chihuahua provisionals (1872).
CHIMBORAZO RIOBAMBA : (overprint on stamps of Ecuador) Chimborazo (1902).
CHINA : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Germany - Offices in China (1898/1913).
CHINA : (overprint on stamps of Hong Kong) Great Britain - Offices in China (1917/1927).
CHINA IMPERIAL POST : (overprint) Postage Due - 1912 Nanking Issue.
CHINE : (overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in China (1894/1922).
CHINESE IMPERIAL POST : China (1898/1912).
CHRISTMAS ISLANDS : (overprint on stamps of Australia) Christmas Island (1958/1962).
C.I.C.I. : (overprint on stamps of Portugal) Franchise stamps (1933) (Congress of the International Colonial Institute).
CIERRO OFFICIAL : Chile or El Salvador - Official seals.
C.I.H.S. : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Upper Silesia - Officials (1920) (Commission Interalliee Haute Silesie).
CINQUANTENAlRE 24 SEPTEMBRE 1853-1903 : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) New Caledonia - Postage dues (1903).
CIRENAICA : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Cyrenaica.
CIRENAICA : (overprint on stamps of Tripolitania) Cyrenaica - Airmails (1932).
C.I.S. : (overprint on stamps of Schleswig) Officials (Commission Interallie Schlesvig).
C.L. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Crown Lands).
C.M.T. : (overprint on stamps of Austria) Western Ukraine - Romanian occupation - Pokutia (1919) (Compana Militaire Timbru - military campaign stamp).
C.O. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Commisariat Officer).
COAMO : Puerto Rico - Coamo - U.S. Administration (1898).
COCHIN : India - Cochin (1892/1949).
COCHIN ANCHAL : India - Cochin (1892/1949).
CO.CI. : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia - Ljubljana) Italian occupation (1941).
COLIS POSTAL : Parcel posts (Postal Packages).
COLIS POSTAL : (no country name) Belgium - Parcel posts.
COLIS POSTAUX : (no country name) Belgium - Parcel posts.
(no country name) Belgium - Parcel posts.
COLOMBIA : (on stamp of Panama with map) Panama - Colombian dominion (1887/1897).
COLON : Chile (Colombus).
COLONIA DE RIO DE ORO : Rio de Oro (Colony of Gold River).
COLONIA ERITREA : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Eritrea (1892/1928).
COLONIALI ITALIANE : Italian Colonies.
COLONIE ITALIANE : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italian Colonies (1932).
COLONIES DE L'EMPIRE FRANCAIS : French Colonies (1859/1865) (Colonies of the French Empire).
COLONIES POSTES : French Colonies (1881/1886).
COMISSAO PORTUGUESA DE PRISONEIROS DE GUERRA : (overprint on stamps of Portugal) Franchise stamps for use by members of the military commission in charge of prisoners of war.
COMITE FRANCAIS : French Colonies - Semipostals.
COMITE FRANÇAIS DE LA LIBERATION NATIONAL : French Colonies - Semipostals (1943).
COMMISSION FUR RUCKBRIEF : German States - Bavaria - Return letter stamps.
COMORES : Comoro Islands.
COMP A DE MOZAMBIQUE : (overprint on stamps of Mozambique) Mozambique Company (1892).
COMPANHIA DO NYASSA : Nyassa (1921/1923).
COMPANIA COLOMBIANA : Colombia - Airmails (1920).
COMPLEMENTARIO : Mexico - Postage dues (To Complete).
COMUNE DI CAMPIONE : Italy - Swiss enclave (1944).
COMUNICACIONES : Spain (1870/1899).
CONF'ON ARGENTINA : Argentina (1858/1860).
CONFED. GRANADINA : Colombia - Grenadine Confederation.
CONFEDERATE STATES or CONFEDERATED STATES : United States - Confederate States.
CONG HOA MIEN NAM VIET NAM : National Front for the liberation of South Vietnam.
CONGO : (with Portuguese inscriptions) Portuguese Congo.
CONGO BELGE : Belgian Congo (1908/1910).
CONGO FRANCAIS : French Congo.
CONGRATULATIONS FALL OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR 1942 : (overprint on stamps of Philippines) Japanese occupation.
CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS : Spain - Officials (1896 august) (Congress of Deputies).
CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE : France - Council of Europe - Officials.
CONSTANTINOPLE : (overprint on stamps of Russia) Russia - Offices in Turkey - Constantinople (1909/1910).
CONSTANTINOPOL : (overprint on stamps of Romania) Offices in Turkey - Constantinople (1919).
CONSTITUENTE FIUMANA 24-IV-1921 : (with 1922 added overprint on stamps of Fiume) Fiume semipostals changed for ordinary use.
CONSTRUCCIONE : (overprint on stamps of Guatemala) Postal tax stamps.
CONSUMPTIVE HOMES : New South Wales - Semipostals.
CONTRA SELLO : (overprint on stamps of El Salvador) Prevent use of stolen unmarked stamps (1874) (Countersigned).
CONTRAMARCA : (overprint on stamps of Ecuador) Believed bogus (1899/1901) (Countersigned).
CONTRASENA - ESTAMPILLAS DE CORREO : (overprint on stamps of Venezuela) (1874/1880) (Countersigned - Postage Stamps).
CONTRE LA FAIM : (overprint on stamps of Rwanda) Ruanda -Urundi (Against Hunger).
COO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Coo (1930/1932).
COOK ISANDS or IS'DS : (overprint on stamps of New Zealand) Cook Islands (1936/1946).
CORDOBA : Argentina - Cordoba (1858).
COREA : Korea (1884/1894).
COREE : Korea - On stamps printed in Paris (1902 march).
CORFU : (overprint on stamps of Greece) Corfu - Italian occupation (1941).
CORFU : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Corfu - Italian occupation (1923).
CORONA : (currency overprint on stamps of Italy) Austria - Italian occupation (1919) - Dalmatia (1919/1922).
CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE FRANCO-ANGLAIS CAMEROUN : (overprint on stamps of Gabon - French) British occupation of Cameroons.
CORREGIDOR MANILA : Philippines - Japanese occupation.
CORREIO(S) : (no country name) Portugal (1853/1865) (Postage).
CORREIOS E TELEGRAPHOS : Portugal (Posts and Telegraphs).
CORREO AEREO : (no country name) Spain (Air Mail).
CORREO AEREO : Spanish language countries (Air Mail).
CORREO AERO : (Air Mail).
CORREO ESPANOL MARRUECOS : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Spanish Morocco (1903/1910).
CORREO ESPANOL TANGER : Spanish Morocco - Tanger - Semipostals (1926).
CORREO URCENT : Spain - Special delivery.
CORREO URGENT : Spanish language countries - Special delivery.
CORREOS : (no country name) Denominations in CUARTOS, REALES, CS or CTOS - Spain.
CORREOS : (no country name) Denominated REAL - Dominican Republic.
CORREOS : (no country name) Cuba, Peru, Philippines, Dominican Republic or Spain.
CORREOS ANDORRA : Spanish Andorra.
CORREOS FONOPOSTAL : Argentina - Recorded message stamps (1939).
CORREOS FRANCO : (with queen or arms) Spain (1852/1854) - Free Mail.
CORREOS GUIRIA : (overprint on stamps of Venezuela - Marino) Control mark on locals (1903).
CORREOS INTERIOR : Philippines (1859/1863) (Inland Postage).
CORREOS MATURIN : (overprint on stamps of Venezuela - Maturin) Control mark on locals (1903).
CORREOS NACIONALES : Colombia (1859/1886) (National Post Office).
CORREOS NALES : Colombia (1859/1886) (National Post Office).
CORREOS OAXACA : Mexico - Oaxaca.
CORREOS - RL PLATA F. : Cuba - Puerto Rico (1855/1866) (Real Plata Fuerte (silver real based)).
CORREOS - RL. : Spain (1864).
CORREOS URBANO DE BOGOTA : Colombia - Bogota (Bogota City Post Office).
CORREOS URBANO MEDELLIN : Colombia - Medellin (Medellin City Post Office).
CORREOS Y TELEGEOS : Spain (1879).
CORREOS Y TELEGs : Spain (1879).
CORREOS YRAPA : (overprint on stamps of Venezuela - Marina) Control mark on locals (1903).
CORRESPONDENCIA A DEBE : Panama - Postage dues (Correspondence With Payment Due).
CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL : Mexico - Officials (Official Correspondence).
CORRESPONDENCIA URCENTE : Spain - Special delivery (Urgent Correspondence).
CORRIENTE : (overprint on stamps of El Salvador) Convert officials to ordinary postage (1918).
CORRIENTES : Argentina - Corrientes (1856/1878).
CORRIERI ALTA ITALIA : Italy - Bicycle Post.
COS : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Coo (1912/1922).
COSTA ATLANTICA B. : Nicaragua - Province of Zelaya (1907).
COSTA ATLANTICA C. : Nicaragua - Cabo Gracias a Dios (1907).
CONSTANTINOPOLI : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Turkey - Constantinople (1909/1923).
COSTITUENTE FIUMANA - 24.IV.1921 : (overprint on stamps of Fiume) (1921).
COTE D'IVOIRE : Ivory Coast.
COTE DES SOMALIS : Somali Coast.
COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE : Netherlands - International Court of Justice - Officials.
COUR PERMANENTE DE JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE : Netherlands - International Court of Justice - Officials.
CPБИJA : Serbia - Newspaper stamps.
CPБИJA C. ДИHAPA : Serbia - German occupation.
C.P. : (overprint on stamps of Ivory Coast) Parcel posts (Colis Postaux).
C.P. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Commissioner of Police).
CPÁA XPBATA È CËOBEH×A : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia - Bosnia) Semipostals.
CPbCKA : Serbia.
CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA : Italy and San Marion - Semipostals (Italian Red Cross).
CROISSANT ROUGE TURC : Turkey - Semipostals (Turkish Red Crescent).
CROIX ROUGE : French language countries - Mostly semipostals (Red Cross).
CROIX ROUGE HAITIENNE : Haiti - Airmails (1945) (Haitian Red Cross).
CRUZ ROJA HONDURENA : Honduras - Postal tax stamps. (Honduran Red Cross).
CRUZ VERMELHA PORTUGUESA : Portugal - Red Cross franchise stamps (Portuguese Red Cross).
CRVENI KRST : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia - Offices Abroad - Semipostals.
C.S. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Chief Secretary).
CS : (overprint on stamps of Hungary) Parcel posts (weight)
C.S.A. POSTAGE : United States of America - Confederate States.
C.SGN. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Colonial Surgeon).
CSOMAG : (overprint on stamps of Hungary) Parcel posts (weight).
C.T. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) officials (1868/1874) (Commissioner of Titles).
CT. : Bulgaria.
CTOT. : Bulgaria.
CTOTNHKN : Bulgaria.
CUAUTLA : Mexico - Cuautla (1867).
CUBA : (overprints on stamps of U.S.A.) Cuba - U.S. Administration (1899).
CUCUTA : Colombia - Cucuta (1907 july).
CUERNAVACA : Mexico - Cuernavaca (1867).
CUNDINAMARCA : Colombia - Cundinamarca (1870/1904).
CURACAO : Netherlands Antilles (1873/1948).
CUZCO : (overprints on stamps of Peru or Arequipa) Peru - Cuzco - Chilean occupation (1882 april).
CYPRUS : (overprint on stamps of Great Britain) Cyprus (1880 january).
C.X.C. : (overprints on stamps of Bosnia Herzegovina) Yugoslavia - Bosnia and Herzegovina (1918).