| Надпечатки и надписи на марках (второй вариант) P PБ Щ ИHCTA ПOЩA : Bulgaria - Officials. PЧB : Russia - South Russia - Finland. P 33 : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - (also 34, 35 and 38) Preussen 33 - Found on letters from Russia to France - Number refers to frontier office (1830/1869). P : (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements) Malaya - Perak (1878). P : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) - Police. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - (in oval) Paid. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - (in circle in 8-pointed star) Perth - Struck on mail mis-sent to Caledonian R.P.O. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Czechoslovakian - Prague. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Payé. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - (surmounted by crown) Paris (1771). P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Paris (1774). P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - (triangular frame) Paris (1778). P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - (in circle) Paid. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Polish - (in square under 3 and other numerals) Polodniu (=Afternoon)(1847/1859). P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Payé. P : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Pontarlier. P.a. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - (oblong frame) Padova (Padua) (1750/1751). P.A. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Protector of Aboriginees. P.A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Paket-Ausgabe. P.A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Post Amt (Post Office). PACCHI POSTALI : (with various designs) Italy - Parcel posts. PACCHI POSTALI : (with denomination in diagonal band) San Marino - Parcel posts. PACCHI POSTALI : (with star and crescent emblem) Somalia - Parcel posts. PACKENMARKE : Russia - Wenden - Parcel post stamps (1863) - Parcel Stamp. PACKHOI : (overprint on stamps of Indo-China) France - Offices in China - Packhoi (1906/1919). PAGO : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Pagato (=Paid). PAHANG : Malaya - Pahang. PAISA : (currency) Indian States - Feridkot, Nepal, Pakistan. PAITA : (overprint on stamps of Peru - Paita) Revolutionary period (1884). PAK-HOI : (overprint on stamps of Indo-China) France - Offices in China - Packhoi (1906/1919). PAKISTAN : (overprint on stamps of India) Pakistan (1947/1949). PAKKE-PORTO : Greenland Parcel posts. PAKKET B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pakketboot (=Packet boat) (1872/1873). PALACIO DE COMMUNICACIONES : Colombia and Cuba - Postal tax stamps. PALESTINE : (overprint on stamps of Egypt) Palestine - Palestine occupation (1948/1949). PALESTINE : (overprint on stamps of Egypt with E.E.F.) Palestine - British Mandate. PALESTINE : (overprint on stamps of Trans-Jordan) Palestine. PAPUA : Papua and New Guinea. PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA : Papua and New Guinea (1952/1971). PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Papua and New Guinea. PAOSITRA MALAGASY : Madagascar - Illegal issue. PAQ.REG. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Paquebots Réguliers (1820). PAR AVION : universal inscription - Airmail. PAR POSTE AERIENNE : Switzerland - Airmail. PARA OS POBRES : Portugal and Azores - Postal tax stamps (1915) - For the Poor. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of Austria) Austria - Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of Germany) Germany - Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain) Great Britain - Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of Romania) Romania - Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) : (currency overprint on stamps of Russia) Russia - Offices in Turkey. PARDOES DA GRAND GUERRA : Portugal and Azores - Postal tax due stamps - Comrades of the Great War. PARIS.S.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Paris. Section des Chargements. PARM : Italian States - Parma (1852/1855). PARMENSI : Italian States - Parma (1852/1855). PARTICULAR : (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua) Conversion of officials to ordinary mail. PASCO : (overprint on stamps of Peru - Pasco) Chilean occupation (1884). PATIALA STATE : India - Patiala (1891/1947). PATMO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Patmo (1930/1932). PATMOS : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Patmo (1912/1922). PATRIOTIC FUND : Queensland - Semipostals. PATZCUARO : Mexico - Patzcuaro - Authenticity questioned. P.B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Pays-Bas. P.B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Porto Bolzano. P.B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Poste Boite (Guttingen, Thurgau) (1833). P.B.G. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - (in circle) Postes Bureau du Gouvernement (1793/1798). P.B.T.F. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Pays-Bas Transit Français (1818). P. BIENNE : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Par Bienne (also used for other towns) (1778). P. BRIGUE : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Passé Brigue. P. BRIT.° : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Portuguese - (in rectangle) Paquete Britannico (1840/1847). P.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - (in circle) Post Comptoir (Middelburg) (1725/1799). P.C. Ф.C.P. : Russia (1921/1923) - Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. P.D. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - (in circle) Post Paid (General Post) (1713/1788). P.D. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Payé à Destination - Note : The student is warned that there is a P.D. for local posts of Paris and elsewhere from 1765 onwards when meaning is Port Dû (postage due). P.D. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Porto a Destinazione. P.D. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Payé jusqu'à la Destination. P.D.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Venetian - Posta dei Corrieri (1727/1763). P.D.DORFF. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Par Dusseldorf (1782). P.D.L.S.S. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Venetian - Posta Della Serenissima Signoria (1732/1734). PEПБAИKA БbЛГAПИЯ : Bulgaria - Bulgarian Republic. PECHINO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in China - Pekin (1917/1919). PEES ORILES. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Pyrénéees Orientales. P.E.I. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Canadian - Prince Edward Island (1860). PELITA : (overprint on stamps of Netherlands Indies) Semipostals. PENANG : Malaya - Penang. PENRHYN : (overprint on stamps of Cook Islands) Penrhyn Island (1973/present). PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF YEMEN : South Yemen (1971/present). PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF SOUTHERN YEMEN : (overprint on stamps of South Arabia) Yemen (1968). PER LUGPOS : Afrikaans language - South Africa, South-West Africa - Air mail. PER PACCHI : (overprint on stamps of Vatican) Parcel posts. PER VLIEGTUIG : Belgium - Airmail. PER. FRA. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Périodique Franc (1817). PERAK : Malaya - Perak. PERAK : (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements) Malaya - Perak. PERLIS : Malaya - Perlis. PERNO : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Brazilian - Pernambuco. PERSANE(S) : Iran (1881/1935). PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU : Malaya (1957/1963). PERUANA : Peru. PERV-AEREO : Peru - Airmail. PESA : (currency overprint on stamps of Germany) German East Africa (1893). P.F. : (currency, overprint on stamps of Russia) Estonia - German occupation (1918). P.F. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Poste Française. P.F. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Payé jusqu'à la Frontière (1835). P.F.A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - P.F. Almeric. (Forwarded de Genève). PFG : (currency, overprint on stamps of Russia) Estonia - German occupation (1918). PFENNIG : (currency) German States - Wurttemberg, Bavaria or Germany. PFO/LLOYD : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Piroscafo (steamer) Lloyd. P.F.S. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Belgian - Payé à la Frontière Sarzanne. P.G. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Venetian - Portogrijaro (1747). P.G.S. : (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements) Malaya - Perak - Officials. P. GOAVE : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dominican Republic - Petit Goave. P.H. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Par Hambourg (1810). PHILIPPINE ISLANDS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : Philippines - US administration. PHILIPPINES : (overprint on stamps of USA) U.S. administration of the Philippines. PIASTER : (currency) Austria - Offices in Turkey. PIASTER : (currency overprint on stamps of Germany) Germany - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA : (currency overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA : (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain) Great Britain - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA : (currency overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA : (currency overprint on stamps of Romania) Romania - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA : (currency overprint on stamps of Russia) Russia - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRE : (currency overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRE : (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain) Great Britain - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRE : (currency overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRE : (currency overprint on stamps of Romania) Romania - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRE : (currency overprint on stamps of Russia) Russia - Offices in Turkey. PIASTRO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Crete. PILGRIM TERCENTENNERY : U.S. issue (1920). PILIPINAS : Philippines - Japanese occupation and republic issues since 1962. PISCO : (overprint on stamps of Peru - Pisco) Chilean occupation. PISCOPI : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Aegean Islands - Piscopi (1912/1932). PIURA : (overprint on stamps of Peru- Piura) Chilean occupation (1884). PJON FRIM : Iceland - Officials. PJONUSTA : (overprint on stamps of Iceland) Officials. PJONUSTU : Iceland - Officials. PJONUSTUMERLI : Iceland - Officials. P.K. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) (preceded by G.B. and postal rate in francs) Par Kilo. (1857). P.K. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) South African - Post Kontor (=Post Office). PKT. : British - Packet Boat. P.K.X. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swedish - Post Kontor Expedition (followed by numeral =T.P.O.). P.K.Zl.Gr. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Polish - Porto Krajowe Zloty Groszy (=Inland charge in zloty and groszy) (1810/1817). P.L. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Paid Letter (used at Liverpool and Manchester) (1838/1847). P.L. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Posted Late (1838/1847). PLEBISCIT SLESVIG : Schleswig (1919). PLEBISCITE OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Allenstein (1920). P.L. TEHERAN : (overprint on stamps of Iran - City) Iran - City of Teheran - Poste Locale Teheran. P.M. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Par Maseyck (1810). P.M. : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Military stamps (1943/1945) - Posta Militaire (military post). P.M. BURG : (pre-adhesive handstamp) South African - Pietermaritzburg (Natal). P. MER : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Pont-Audemer. P.N.I./PADUA : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Postiglioni (=Mounted carrier) Padua (1703). P.O. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Post Office. P.O.П.И.T. : (overprint on stamps of Russia - Offices in Turkey) Ukraine - Never issued. P.O.П.И.T. : (overprint on stamps of Russia- Offices in Turkey) Ukraine. P.O.A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) South African - Post Office Agency. POBLACHT NA HEIREANN : Ireland - Republic of Ireland. POCCIИ : (overprint on stamps of Russia) South Russia - Crimea. POCCIЯ : Russia - South Russia. POCCIR : Russia. POCCIR cbБ AUMIЯ : Russia - Army of the North (1920). POCZTA : Poland. POCZTA POL. KORP : (overprint on stamps of Russia) Poland (1918) - Polish Expeditionary Force. POCZTA POLSKA : (overprint on stamps of Austria) Poland (1918). POCZTA POLSKA : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Poland Poznan issues (1919). POCZTA POLSKA : (overprint on German occupation stamps) Poland. POHJOIS INKERI : North Ingermanland. POLAIRE INTENATIONALE (1932) : U.S.S.R. - Airmails. POLE DU NORD (1931) : U.S.S.R. - Airmails. POLSKA : Poland. POLYNESIE FRANCAISE : French Polynesia (1956/present). POMBAL : Portugal and Azores - Postal tax stamps. PONCE : Puerto Rico (1898). P.O./P.W.I. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Asiatic - Post Office Prince Of Wales Island (old name for Penang) (1806). POR AVION : Venezuela - Airmails. POR CORREO AEREO : Colombia - Airmails. PORT CANTONAL : Switzerland - Geneva. PORT GDANSK : (overprint on stamps of Poland) Offices in Danzig (1925/1938). PORT LAGOS : (overprint on stamps of France) France - Offices in Turkey (1893). PORT SAID : France - Offices in Egypt - Port Said (1895/1928). PORTE DE CONDUCCION : Peru - Parcel posts - Postage for Conveyance. PORTE DE MAR : Mexico - Postage dues for ship mail (1875). PORTE FRANCO with CORREOS : Peru (1858/1872). PORTEADO : Portugal and Azores - Postage dues. PORTEADO A RECEBER : Portugal and Azores - Postage dues - Postage to Be Received. PORTEADO CORREIO : Portugal and Azores - Postage dues. PORTO : multiple languages - Postage. PORTO : (no country name) Austria - Postage. PORTO FRANCO : Portugal - Franchise stamps with company name but without denomination. PORTO FRANCO with CORREOS : Peru - Postage Free. PORTO GAZETEI : Romania - Moldova - Newspaper stamps (1858/1859) - Newspaper Postage. PORTO PFLICHTICE DIENST SACHE : German States - Wurttemberg - Officials - Service Matter Liable to Postage. PORTO RICO : (overprint on stamps of U.S.) Administration - Puerto Rico (1899). PORTOMAERKE : Danish West Indies and Norway - Postage dues. PORTO MARK : Bosnia & Herzogovina - Postage dues. PORTUGAL CONTINENTE : Portugal - Portugal mainland. POSESIONES ESPANOLES DEL SAHARA OCCIDENTAL : Spanish West Sahara. POSIESXHEDEUIEEGIZIANE : Egypt (1872/1879). POSSEEL : Afrikaans language - South Africa and South West Africa - Postage. POST & RECEIPT : (with denomination in annas) India - Hyderabad. POSTA : (overprint on stamps of Tanna Tuva) Converting fiscals to ordinary mail. POSTA AEREA : Italian language countries - Air Mail. POSTA AEREA VATICANA : Vatican city - Air Mail. POSTA AERIANA : Romania - Air mails. POSTA AERORE : Albania - Airmails. POSTA AJRORE : Albania - Airmails. POSTA C.E.C.A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Posta Contarina Egipti Circumnavigationis (ship post to Asia). POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKA : (overprint on stamps of Austria) Czechoslovakia - Semipostals (1919). POSTA FIUME : Fiume - Triangular newspaper stamp. POSTAGE : (with denominations in pies, annas or rupees): India - Hyderabad. POSTAGE & REVENUE : (with denominations in d (pence)) Great Britain. POSTAGE & REVENUE : (with denominations in annas) India - Kishengarh. POSTAGE DUE : (with denominations in d (pence)) Great Britain - Australia. POSTAGE I.E.F. D : (overprint on stamps of Turkey) Mesopotamia - British occupation of Mosul. POSTAGE PAYE : (overprint on stamps of Haiti) (1904) Postage Paid. POSTAGE TWO CENTS : with portrait of Andrew Jackson - Initials C. S. in lower corners - United States - Confederate States. POSTAGE with CAMB AUS SIGILLUM NOV : New South Wales (1850/1851). POSTAL FERIL EST. OTAVALO : (overprint on consular fee stamps) Ecuador - Honoring railway (1928). POSTAL UNION CONGRESS LONDON : Great Britain. POSTALARI : Turkey - Postage. POSTALE ITALIANO : Italy - Italian Postage. POSTA PNEUMATICA : Italy - Pneumatic tube post. POSTA ROMANA : Romania. POSTA ROMANA CONSTANTINOPOL : (overprint on stamps of Romania) Romania - Offices in Turkey (1919). POSTAS LE NIOC : Ireland - Postage dues. POSTAT AJRORE : Albania - Italian occupation - Airmails. POSTAT E QERVERRIES SE PERKOHESHME - TE SHQIPONIES : Albania. POSTAT EXPRES : Albania - Special delivery. POSTA UKR. N. REP. SCHAGIW : (surcharge on stamps of Austria) Western Ukraine - Stanislau local - Ukrainska Narodnia Respiublika Schagiw (Ukrainian People's Republic Schagiw - Currency). POSTE AERIENNE : (overprint on stamps of France) Air Mail. POSTE AERIENNE : (no country name) Iran. POSTE AERIEO : (no country name) Iran - Airmails (1928). POSTE AERIEO : (overprint on fiscal stamps) Iran - Airmails. POSTE AVION : Haiti - Airmails. POSTE DE GENEVE : Switzerland - Geneva. POSTE ESTENSI : Italian States - Modena (1852) - Post of the House of Este. POSTE ITALIANE : Italy. POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE : Egypt (1872/1875) Khediva Egyptian Post. POSTEK NEDEUIERGIZIANE : Egypt (1872/1879). POSTE LOCALE : Switzerland - Geneva (1849/1850) Local Post. POSTE PERSANE : Iran (1881/1898). POSTE VATICANE : Vatican City. POSTES : French language countries and universal - Postage. POSTES : (with red crescent and 1954) Afghanistan - Tax stamps (1954). POSTES AFGHANES : Afghanistan. POSTES AVION : Haiti - Airmails. POSTES CENTIME : (with numeral in center and a network of colored lines) France - Alsace and Lorraine - German occupation. POSTES DE COREE : Korea (1902). POSTES DE YEMEN : Yemen. POSTES EGYPTIENNES : Egypt - United Arab Republic. POSTES ESTENSI : Italian States - Modena 1852 issues. POSTES ETHIOPIENNES : Ethiopia. POSTES EXPRES : Egypt - Special delivery stamps. POSTES HEDJAZ AND NEJDE : Saudi Arabia. POSTES IMPERIALES DE COREE : Korea (1903). POSTES OTTOMANES : Turkey - Mesopotamia (1913/1922). POSTES PERSANES : Iran. POSTES SERBES : (overprint on stamps of France) Serbia - Corfu (1916/1918). POSTES SYRIE : Syria. POSTFAERGE : (overprint on stamps of Denmark) Parcel posts. POSTFRIM. : Norway, Denmark - Postfrimaerki (Free Postage Stamp). POSTGEBIET OB. OFT. : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Lithuania - German occupation (1916/1917) - Postage Area of the Eastern Commander-in-Chief. POST LUCHTDIENST : Belgian Congo - Airmails. POST OBITUM : U.S. - Dead letter seal (1877). POSTOCOLLI : Belgium - Parcel posts. POSTOCOLLO : (overprint on stamps of Belgium) Parcel posts. POST STAMP : India - Hyderabad. POST TAXE BAYER : German States - Bavaria - Postage dues. POSTVER WALTUNG : United Nations Organization - Vienna. POST ZEGEL : (no country name) Netherlands (1852/1867) - Transvaal - Postage Stamp. POSTZEGEL Z. AFR. REPUBLIEK : Transvaal. P.O.T. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Irish - Post Oifig Taistill (=Travelling Post Office) (1922). POULS : Afghanistan - Semipostals (1952). POUR LA CROIX ROUGE : Yugoslavia - Postal tax stamps - For the Red Cross. POUR LE STADE MUNICIPAL DE PORT-AU-PRINCE : Haïti - Semipostal. P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - (and Irish) Penny Post. P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - (with posthorn in c.) Per Post (Gouda). P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Payé Partiellement. P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Port Payé. P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Porto Pagato. P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Port Payé. P.P. : French language countries - Universal - Port Payé (Postage Paid). P.P. : (overprint on French postage dues) France - Offices in Morocco - Conversion of postage dues to ordinary postage. P.P.B.F./MILAN : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Port Payé Bureau Français Milan (1812). P.P.C. : (overprint on stamps of Poland) Poland - Offices in Turkey - Consular mail. P.P.EST. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Port Payé Estafette (Express) (1830). P.P.O. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Scottish - Penny Post Office. P.P.P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Port Payé Passé par Paris (1766). P.P.PTMER. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Port Payé Pont-Audemer. P.R. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Posta Romana (1802). P.R.1 : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French Prusse Rayon 1. PREKOMURJE : (overprint on stamps of Hungary - Yugoslavian) Hungary - Yugoslavian occupation of Transmuria (left bank of Mur River) (1919). PRENSA : (overprint on stamps of Uruguay) Newspaper stamps. PREUSSEN : German States - Prussia (1861-1867). PRIMA VALORES DECLARADOS : Dominican Republic - Insured letter stamps. PRIMIER VURLO POSTAL - BARRION-MIAMI : (overprint on stamps of Guatemala) Airmails. PRIMO VOLO DIRETTO ROMA-BUENOS AIRES TRIMOTORE : (overprint on stamps of Italy and Cyrenaica) Airmails. PRINCE FAROUK : Egypt (1929). PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO : Monaco - Principality of Monaco. PRINCIPAUTE DE TRINIDAD : Brazil - Bogus private issue (1894). PRISTINA : (overprint on stamps of Turkey) (1911) - City of Pristina. PRO AERO : Switzerland - Airmails. PRO AGRICULTURA Y CANADERIA : Paraguay - Semipostals. PRO CARTERO : Argentina - Semipostals. PRO CASA DE JUBILACIONES DE COMMUNICACIONES : Bolivia - Postal tax stamps. PRO COMBATTENTI : (overprint on stamps of San Marino) Semipostals (1918) - For the Troops. PRO DESOCUPADOS : (overprint on stamps of Peru) Postal tax stamps - For Unemployed. PRO EDUCATION FISICIA : Panama - Postal tax stamp - For Physical Education. PRO FUNDAZIONE STUDIO LIRE 5 : Fiume - Semipostals - Benefit of Educational Fund. PRO INFANCIA : (overprint on stamps of Mexico) Postal tax stamps - For Children's Welfare. PRO JUVENTUTE : Switzerland - Semipostals. PRO PATRIA : Switzerland - Semipostals - For the Country. PRO PLEBISCITO TACNA Y ARICA : Peru - Plebescite tax stamps (1925/1928). PROTECCION A LA INFANCIA : (overprint on stamps of Mexico) Postal tax stamps. PROTECCION AL ANCIANO : Uruguay - Postal tax stamp - For the Aged. PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS : (overprint on stamps of Spain) Spanish Morocco (1915). PROTECTORAT COTE DES SOMALIS : Somali Coast. PROTECTORATE : (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland) Bechuanaland Protectorate (1888/1889). PROTECTORAT FRANÇAIS : (overprint on stamps of France or French Morocco) French Morocco (1914/1922). PROTEJA A LA INFANCIA : Mexico - Postal tax stamps - For Children's Protection. PRO TUBERCULOSOS POBRES : Spain (1937/1938) For the Poor with Tuberculosis. PRO UNION IBEROAMERICANA : Spain (1930). PROVINCE LAIBACH - LJUBLJANSKA POKRAJINA : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Yugoslavia - Laibach - German occupation. PROVINCIE MODONESI : Italian States - Modena (1859). PROVINZ LAIBACH : Yugoslavia - Ljubljana - German occupation. PROVISIONAL 1881-1882 : (overprint on stamps of Peru - Arequipa) (1881/1885). PROVISIONAL GOVT. 1893 : (overprint on stamps of Hawaii) Republic issues (1893). PROVISORIO : (overprint on stamps of Portugese Colonies) To revalidate demonetized stamps. PROVISORISCH WERT IN SCHWEIZ FRANC : (overprint on stamps of Liechtenstein) Temporary Value in Swiss Francs. PROV. R.I. : United States - Postmaster s provisional issue. PRO VIVIENDA OBRARA : Bolivia - Postal tax stamps. PRUISEN A. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pruisen Arnhem (1848/1851). PRUISEN E. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pruisen Enschede (1848/1849). PRUISEN M. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pruisen Maastricht (1850/1852). PRUISEN N. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pruisen Nijmegen (1849/1851). PRUISEN V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pruisen Venlo (1849/1850). PRUISEN W. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - Pruisen Winterswijk (1849). PRUSSE p.M. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Prusse par Magdeburg. PRUSSE P.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Prusse Par Coswig (1810). PRZESLYKA URZEDOWA : Poland - Officials. PS : (intertwined in script letter) Colombia - Causa (1882/1883). P.s. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Péages. P.S. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Private Secretary. P.S.N.C. : (in corners with ship) Peru - Pacific Steam Navigation Company (1857). P.S.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Pacific Steamer Packet. P.S.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Prusse Service Publique (1861/1865). P.S.V. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Posta San Vitale (1847). P.T. IN R. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - (in heart-shaped frame with number underneath) Posta Toscana in Roma (1795/1796). Pte Rte : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Poste Restante (1795). PTO-RICO : Puerto Rico. PUL : Afghanistan. PULAU PENENG : Malaysia - Penang. PUNO : (overprint on stamps of Peru or Arequipa) Peru - Chilean occupation (1882/1885). PUOLUSTUSVOIMAT KENTTA POSTIA : Finland. PUTTIALA : (overprint on stamps of India) India - Patiala (1884/1890). PUTTIALA STATE : India - Patiala (1884/1890). P.W. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Public Works. PYCCHON APMIN : (overprint on stamps of Ukraine) Russia - Offices in Turkey - Wrangel issues (1921). PYCCKAR HOYTA : (overprint on stamps of Ukraine) Russia - Offices in Turkey - Wrangel issues (1921). P.Z.Gr.S. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Polish - Porto Zagraniczne, Groszy, Srebrem (=Foreign postage (charge) in silver groszy) - Struck at frontiers (1810/1817). 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