музей и библиотека



Надпечатки и надписи на марках (второй вариант)


G : (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope) Griqualand West (1877/1880).
G : (overprint on stamps of Canada) Officials.
G : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Belgian - Gand (Ghent) (1770/1800).
G : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - (used with date below) Glasgow (1827).
G : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - (in circle) Gouvernement (1810).
G : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Genève.
G : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Italian - Genova.
G & A Pact. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Greenock & Ardrishaig Packet (1879/1917).
G & D : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Guadeloupe - Guadeloupe and Dependencies (1903/1904).
GAB : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Gabon (1886/1889).
GABON : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Gabon (1889).
GAL. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - Général.
GARCH : Saudi Arabia (1929/1930).
GARZON : Colombia - Tolima (1894).
G.B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) French - (in frame with cost in French) Mark of entry (1857).
G.B. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Grossherzogtum Baden.
GC : (overprint on stamps of Mexico- Acambaro) Gobierno Constitutionalista (Constitutional Government) - Mexico.
GCM : (overprint on stamps of Mexico - Oaxaca and Sonora) Mexico - Oaxaca and Sonora - Revenues - Gobierno Constitutionalista Mexico (Constitutional Government of Mexico).
GD : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Guadeloupe (1903/1904) - Guadeloupe et Dependances.
G.D. DU LUXEMBOURG : Luxembourg (1859/1882) Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
GD LIBAN : (overprint on stamps of France) Lebanon.
GD-OT : (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia - Bohemia and Moravia) Newspaper stamps used by commercial firms.
G.E.A. : (overprint on stamps of East Africa & Uganda) German East Africa - British occupation (1917).
G.E.A. : (overprint on stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika) Tanganyika (1921/1922).
GEBYR : (overprint on stamps of Denmark) Late fee (1923).
GEBYRMAERKE : Denmark - Late fee.
G.E.C./C : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Venetian - Gerolano Cortecelli e Compagnia (1795/1797).
GEN-GOUV. WARSCHAU : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Poland - German occupation (1916/1917).
GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT : Poland - German occupation (1940/1944).
GENEVE : Switzerland - Geneva (1843/1849).
GEORGIE : Georgia (1919).
GEORGIENNE : Georgia (1920).
GERUSALEMME : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Jerusalem.
GERUSALEMME : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Italy - Offices in Turkey - Jerusalem (1909/1911).
G.F. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Gold Fields.
G.F.4 : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Swiss - Genève par Ferney 4 Kreuzer.
G.F.B. : (overprint on stamps of Tonga) Officials - Gaue Faka Buleaga (On Government Service).
GHADAMES TERRITOIRES MILITAIRE : Libya - French occupation (1949).
GHANA INDEPENDENCE 6th MARCH 1957 : (overprint on stamps of Gold Coast) Ghana (1961).
GIBRALTAR : (overprint on stamps of Bermuda) Gibraltar.
GILBERT & ELLICE PROTECTORATE : (overprint on stamps of Fiji) Gilbert and Ellice Island Protectorate.
GIORNALI STAMPE : Italian States - Sardinia - Newspaper stamps (=Printed Newspapers)(1861).
GL. O. A. 7 FEV. 1914 : (overprint on stamps of Haiti) For General Oreste Zamor, future president (1914).
G.M. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Portuguese - (in oval) Gerencia Maritima (1827).
G.N.R. : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana (definitive, airmail, special delivery and war propaganda)(1929/1942).
GOB. CONS(T). : (overprint on stamps of Mexico - Cuanajuanta - Nueva Leon) Gobierno Constitucionalista (Constitutional Government) (1914).
GOBIERNO : (overprint on stamps of Peru) Officials (=Government).
GOBIERNO CONSTITUCIONALISTA MEXICO : (overprint on stamps of Mexico - Oaxaca) Revenues.
GOBIERNO REVOLUCIONARIO : Mexico - Yucutan revenues.
GOLFE DE GUINEE : Spanish Guinea (1907/1949).
GOR : Gorée (Senegal) - French colony.
GORNY SLASK : Upper Silesia - Unrecognized locals of Polish origin for towns of Beuthen, Kattowitz and Gleiwtz.
GOVERNATORATO DEL MONTENEGRO : (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia - Montenegro - Italian occupation.
GOVERNO MILITARE ALLEATO : (overprint on stamps of Italy) Allied military government (1943).
GOVT. PARCELS : (overprint on stamps of Great Britain) Officials.
GOYA : Spain (1930).
G.P. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Government Printer.
G.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - General Post (1788/1834).
G.P. DE M. : Mexico - Oaxaca revenues and others (1916/1918) - Gobierno Proviorio de Mexico (Provisional Government of Mexico).
G.P.E. : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Guadaloupe (1884/1891).
G.P.P. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - General Post Paid (1799/1829).
GR : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Grenze (=Frontier).
GRAHAM LAND : (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands - Graham Land) (1944).
GRANA : Italian States - Two Sicilies (1861).
GRANADA : Colombia - Granada (1861).
GRANADINA : Colombia - Granadina (1859/1860).
GRAND COMORE : Grand Comoro (1897/1912).
GRAND DUCHE DU LUXUMBOURG : Luxembourg (post 1891).
GRAND LIBAN : Lebanon (1924/1927).
GRENVILLE : Liberia.
G.R.I. : (overprint on stamps of German New Guinea) New Britain (1914/1915) - Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor).
G.R.I. : (overprint on stamps of German Samoa) Samoa (1914) - Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor).
G.R.I. : (overprint on stamps of Marshall Islands) New Britain (1914) - Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor).
GROENEKRUIS : Surinam - Semipostals (Green Cross).
GROENLAND : Greenland.
GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH : Germany - Semipostals (1943/1945).
GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH BOHMEN UND MAHREN : Czechoslovakia - Bohemia & Moravia.
GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT : Poland - German occupation semipostals (1943/1944).
GROSZY : (surcharge) Poland - Revalidating stamps after currency reform (1950).
GRZ : (pre-adhesive handstamp) German - Grenze (=Frontier).
G.S. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Government Storekeeper.
G.T. : (overprint on stamps of South Australia) Officials (1868/1874) Goolwa Tramway.
GT. PRE : (overprint on stamps of Haiti) (1902) Gouvernement Provisiore (Provisional Government).
GUADALAJARA : Mexico - Guadalajara (1867/1868).
GUADELOUPE : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) Guadeloupe (1889/1891).
GUAM : (overprint on stamps of the U.S.A.) Guam - U.S.A. Administration (1899).
GUANACASTE : Costa Rica - Guanacaste - Discounted stamps for exclusive use there (1885/1890).
GUATEMALA C.A. : Guatemala - Centro America (Central America).
GUINE : (overprinted on stamps of Cape Verde) Portuguese Guinea.
GUINE PORTUGUESA : Portuguese Guinea.
GUINEA CONTIAL : Espanola - Spanish Guinea (1903/1909).
GUINEA CONTINENTAL : (overprint on stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corsico) Spanish Guinea (1906).
GUINEA CORREOS : (overprint on stamps of Spanish Guinea) Fraudulent overprints (1914).
GUINEA ECUATORIAL : Equatorial Guinea.
GUINEA ESPANOLA : Spanish Guinea (1902, 1949/1960).
GUINEE : French Guinea (1906/1942).
GUINEE FRANCAISE : French Guinea (pre-1906).
GULTIG 9. ARMEE : (overprint on stamps of Germany) Romania - German occupation (1918).
GUY. FRANC. : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) With dates and new values - French Guiana (1886/1892).
GUYANA : (overprint on stamps of British Guiana) Guyana (1966/1968).
GUYANE : (overprint on stamps of France) French Guiana (pre-1904).
GUYANE FRANCAISE : (overprint on stamps of French Colonies) French Guiana (1886/1892).
G.W. : (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope) Griqualand West (1877).
GWALIOR : India - Gwalior.
G.W.C. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) Dutch - (monogram) Geoctroyeerde West. Ind. Comp. (Amsterdam).
G.W.S.T. : (pre-adhesive handstamp) British - Great Western Station.